Our Wholesale Location

126 E Pearl St.
New Haven, CT 06513

Connecticut Broad Leaf(CT)

Quantity / LBSPrice / LB
 2 to 10 lbs $16.99
 11 to 50 lbs $14.99
 51 to 100 lbs $11.99

Dark Fire Cured Tobacco Leaf (Red Herring)

Quantity / LBSPrice / LB
 2 to 10 lbs $18.99
 11 to 50 lbs $16.99
 51 to 100 lbs $13.99

Dark Fire Cured Binder Leaf

Quantity / LBSPrice / LB
 2 to 10 lbs $15.99
 11 to 50 lbs $13.99
 51 to 100 lbs $11.99

Fronto Dark Leaf(FDL)

Quantity / LBSPrice / LB
 2 to 10 lbs $19.99
 11 to 50 lbs $16.99
 51 to 100 lbs $14.99

Dark Air Cured Fronto Leaf(JD1)

Formerly: J1
Quantity / LBSPrice / LB
 2 to 10 lbs $19.99
 11 to 50 lbs $16.99
 51 to 100 lbs $14.99

Dark Air Cured Fronto Leaf (JD2)

Formerly: J2
Quantity / LBSPrice / LB
 2 to 10 lbs $19.99
 11 to 50 lbs $16.99
 51 to 100 lbs $14.99

Kentucky Dark Binder Leaf (KDL)

Formerly: ALO Binder Leaf
Quantity / LBSPrice / LB
 2 to 10 lbs $9.99
 11 to 50 lbs $8.99
 51 to 100 lbs $7.99

Kentucky Dark Leaf (KDL)

Formerly: ALO
Quantity / LBSPrice / LB
 2 to 10 lbs $19.99
 11 to 50 lbs $16.99
 51 to 100 lbs $14.99

Pennsylvania Fronto Dark Leaf (PAFDL)

Formerly: QB52
Quantity / LBSPrice / LB
 2 to 10 lbs $18.99
 11 to 50 lbs $16.99
 51 to 100 lbs $14.99

Pennsylvania Grabba Dark Leaf (PAGDL)

Formerly: QB52 Grabba


Quantity / LBSPrice / LB
 2 to 10 lbs $12.99
 11 to 50 lbs $11.99
 51 to 100 lbs $9.99

Red Rose Fronto Leaf

Quantity / LBSPrice / LB
 2 to 10 lbs $19.99
 11 to 50 lbs $16.99
 51 to 100 lbs $14.99

Red Rose Grabba Leaf

Quantity / LBSPrice / LB
 2 to 10 lbs $12.99
 11 to 50 lbs $11.99
 51 to 100 lbs $10.99

Toronto Dark Leaf (TDL)

Formerly: CLO
Quantity / LBSPrice / LB
 2 to 10 lbs $19.99
 11 to 50 lbs $16.99
 51 to 100 lbs $14.99

VA Sweet Leaf(VA)

Quantity / LBSPrice / LB
 2 to 10 lbs $19.99
 11 to 50 lbs $16.99
 51 to 100 lbs $12.99

Wrapper Dark Air Cured(W1)

Quantity / LBSPrice / LB
 2 to 10 lbs $19.99
 11 to 50 lbs $16.99
 51 to 100 lbs $14.99

Wholesale Rates for All Leaf Packs

Quantity / PacksPrice / Pack
 1 to 100 $2.99

 100 to 500

 500+ $1.20

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